creationism vs evolution related to dirt

Science, Reason & Logic

creationism vs evolution related to dirt

Story Submitted by Jaco Loots

Well, I think my conversion started quite rapidly. I started to pray less and less as I started to reason; to say and ask the same things over and over just does not make any sense. It is lame to say the least.


After reading Richard Dawkins – The God Delusion I was enthralled and amazed at the clarity or lucidity of his arguments. The Bible just does not make any sense. I never stopped, thought about and questioned the stuff in the Bible (as I was conditioned not to think / question Bible stories since I was a child). After Dawkins I could not get my hands on enough reading material i.e. Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennet, Dan Barker, Seth Andrews to name but a few. My eye’s opened, as my mind and my life. All the BS fell away and I could see clearly for the fist time in 40 years (I’m 48 now)! It’s like a weight of my shoulders.

My relationship with a Christian puritan and her family did not necessarily suffer as a result of my ‘de-conversion’, although it was a contributing factor. She could not make any compromise as she had a ‘personal relationship’ with her God / and Bible. We talked and argued until late in the night(s). I believe she has subsequently moved over to the intelligent design camp which is a HUGE step forward (as apposed to the Creationists).

I began to see the systematic brainwashing of children in any kind of religion, and view most religions, including all the Abrahamic religions (Torah, Bible, Quran), etc. as child abuse, as it teaches children not to question and examine facts and to use their critical thinking skills.

Science, Reason & Logic is the only way forward for the sake of every living thing on this little planet we call Earth. Richard Dawkins wrote: “It might not be comforting to leave the faith but it is like jumping in a cold pool of water, it’s very refreshing, come and join!”

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